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Saint Catherine's Anglican Church recognizes the importance of education and the role it plays in shaping the lives of young students. To support and encourage the educational journey of our students, the Rev. Sharon Smith performed a blessing of backpacks last Sunday, September 10th, during the Sunday service. This meaningful ceremony took place before the start of Sunday School, allowing the church to offer prayers for the students' academic success and spiritual growth. It also served as a reminder that education is not only about gaining knowledge but also about nourishing the soul. By blessing the backpacks, the church seeks to infuse the students' academic endeavors with a sense of purpose and divine guidance.

What  Happens During the Blessing of the Backpacks?

The Blessing of Backpacks takes place on a designated Sunday before the start of the school year. During the church service, the students bring their backpacks forward, placing them in a designated area. The congregation, together with the Sunday School teachers, gathers around the backpacks, forming a circle of unity and support. The church vicar then leads a special prayer, asking for God's blessings to be bestowed upon the students and their backpacks.