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This week please take note of the following:

  • Student Summer Workers:
    We are pleased to announce that St. Catherine's has hired Tomo Ashby and Paul Oducayen as our Student Summer workers for this year. They begin work on June 27th and will be with us until near the end of August. Both are graduating from Grade 12 this year and going on to university in the Fall. This program is generously supported by Employment and Social Development Canada via the Canada Summer Jobs program. This summer Tomo and Paul will be involved in many tasks around the Parish which will enhance the fabric of the buildings. Should there be something that you see which needs attention, please let Randy Williams or John Luccock know. Old cloths or towels are still urgently needed for our maintenance tasks.
  • Timely Cookie Donations:
    Our June 19th notice sheet was a head of its time. The call for cookie donations was a week early! If you would like to donate cookies to the homeless shelter please deliver them to the church kitchen by noon on Tuesday, June 28th.  
  • Camp Artaban:
    Artaban is open this summer for campers. A week's camping on Gambier Island is a 'lifetime' experience. It makes a wonderful gift for grandchildren and young families. Check out the camp brochure in the church foyer for registration details, or visit the Camp Artaban website (