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Saint Catherine's Spiritual Practice Group is hosting an Advent Retreat Day, exploring the reflections and art of Jan Richardson called  The Advent Door

This is a morning of quiet retreat. We will...

  • gather around the fire pit on the Ridgewood patio for coffee/tea and scones;
  • pray and engage in spiritual practices and art in the stillness of the church sanctuary; and
  • nurture new friendships.

Morning Program: 

  • 9:30 Coffee/scones around the fire pit
  • 9:50  Morning Prayer
  • 10:05 Solitude & Silence
    • Pray with an icon and scripture
    • Journal
    • Pray with your Body
    • Create art 
  • 11:30 Sharing Experience
  • 12:00 Midday Prayer
  • 12:15 Lunch (Bring your own Brown Bag Lunch)

For more information contact the church office: 

Art by Jan Richardson, licensed for use by St. Catherine’s Anglican Church.