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Community gatherings hold a special place in fostering unity and strengthening bonds within a church.

As the year draws to a close, members of Saint Catherine's Anglican Church gathered to reflect on the past year's accomplishments, discuss future plans, and share their hopes, ideas, joys, and fears.

August Conversations with Rev. Sharon' served as an essential platform for the congregation to come together, express themselves, and collectively envision the year ahead.  It also fosters a sense of gratitude and reinforces the bond that unites our community.

The conversation started with a game called 'Bulong Pari,' (which means the whispering priest in Tagalog) a Filipino version  of  'Pass the Message' game. The phrases used in the game were some of the highlights in the community and the church in 2023, and everyone got to talk about these highlights including the Soul Food Sunday.

Each member gave voice to their hopes, ideas, joys, and fears, as well as one's creative ideas, and concerns.

It was followed by a walking down memory lane when everyone shared where they were at the age of 27, inspired by the age of our new Community Engagement Coordinator, Marymil.

Everyone was treated to refreshing mocktails and hearty snacks prepared by Rev. Sharon.

As Saint Catherine's embarks on a new year, the power of gatherings like this one will continue to inspire and uplift its members, fostering a strong and united congregation.