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We were so sad to say goodbye to our part time Community Engagement Coordinator, Eric Nieweler. Please continue to pray for Eric and his family.

The leadership team at St. Catherine's Anglican Church has expanded the Community Engagement Coordinator position to include communications and we are now offering this new job for up to 20 hours a week. This will include a job share with Natasha Stegemann, whose preference was always to work 3 mornings a week. 

Community Engagement Coordinator Job Description:

This half-time, coordinator position enhances our internal communication, supporting the work of Parish Council and leads our engagement with the neighbourhoods surrounding St. Catherine’s using the services of the Priest-in-Charge, other staff and volunteers, with special attention to community organizing opportunities and efforts. This position may share some duties with our clergy, including staffing various church committees. This position reports directly to our Priest-in-Charge and is an ex-officio member of Parish Council.

See Job Decription Here. 

(Image from Love your neighbour by Vancouver Public Space Network (VPSN) -creative commons)