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Each April 22 we celebrate Earth Day. We thank God for the beauty of creation.

From the Diocese of Ottawa: 

“May we commit to being the good stewards God calls us to be. May we be aware of our carelessness and our wastefulness. May we commit to the changes that need to be made.”

Prayer for Earth Day (The Anglican Church of Australia).

Holy God, earth and air and water are your creation, and every living thing belongs to you: have mercy on us as climate change confronts us. Give us the will and the courage to simplify the way we live, to reduce the energy we use, to share the resources you provide, and to bear the cost of change. Forgive our past mistakes and send us your Spirit, with wisdom in present controversies and vision for the future to which you call us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 

Here are some actions we can do: Top 10 ways to stop climate change.

(Full Disk View Showing Earth on 3.14 - 'Pi Day'by NASA Goddard Photo and Video - creative commons)