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For this year's Good Friday, we gathered in the Sanctuary at 10am, close to the altar for a time of worship focused on the hours between Jesus’ arrest and his tomb. The tone is solemn as we draw parallels between the suffering of Jesus and suffering in the world around us, and we ask how we might live differently. The service will transition to a time of contemplation on Adolfo Pérez Esquivel’s Stations of the Cross.

Check out the video below for the Good Friday service livestream.

The art exhibit of Argentinian sculptor and architect Adolfo Pérez Esquivel guided our walk of the stations of the cross this year. The paintings incorporated the Stations of the Cross and Liberation Theology. Liberation theology is a Christian theological approach to the Gospel emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed. It engages in socio-economic analyses, with social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples, and addresses other forms of inequality, such as race or caste. The prints of the original art were on display at the church from 11 am to 5pm.

Photos by Vivian McGie and Linda Robertson