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Summer Jobs


St. Catherine’s Church 2014


In the early Spring, St. Catherine’s Church made application to the Human Resources & Skills Development Agency of the Government of Canada for funding from the “Canada Summer Jobs Program”, for three positions.  Two  Maintenance Assistant positions and one Office Assistant.


Unfortunately, only one position was approved; that of one Maintenance Assistant.  We are pleased to announce that Mark Anderson has been appointed for this position.  He will begin on June 2nd and be with us for some 11 weeks.  Mark attended Seacove Secondary school and is presently in his second year of Engineering at Queen’s University.


While we are grateful for the approval of this job, it will not fulfil our needs to do an adequate job over the summer months.  Due to ladder work and moving heavy objects, many of the tasks require at least two people   We would like to hire at least one more person for a period of 6 weeks (July/August) to work with our Maintenance Assistant, to tackle the more demanding jobs of the summer.  It would cost some $2500 to hire someone for that time. 


In order for this to happen, we are, once again, appealing to our Parishioners for your generous support.  If you would like to donate some money to this cause, please put it in as part of your weekly giving; clearly marked, “ Summer Workers” or submit a separate cheque either in the offering or to the office. These donations are tax deductible.  We hope to proceed with hiring this person by the end of June.    We thank you for your help.


John Luccock,

Coordinator, Building & Grounds.


Projects we hope to complete this summer.

1.  Painting much of the trim on the Exterior of the Church

2.  Clearing away scrub material & branches from trees.

3.  Finish the cleaning up and Painting of Greig Hall under the Gym

4.  Cleaning out the gutters and drains on all the Church Buildings.

5.  Continue with major clean up projects within and outside the Buildings