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We understand Stewardship as the grateful and responsible use of God's gifts. In the knowledge that everything we have is given to us by God; being good stewards allows us to give back to God (through ministry and mission) the abundance we have received.

There is no doubt that St. Catherine’s community has been through a lot over the last few years. It is part of our story and just a small section of the journey. It is important to own each section of this journey as part of our collective history – not make any part more or less important - not deny any part – but just accept every low and every high as what brings us to now. It is on Now that we need to focus.

During the month of November we will be looking at Financial Stewardship. In that regard, we continue to be grateful for the commitment of time, talent and money from our members.

Over the month you will hear personal messages from individuals about their connection and their giving to St. Catherines. In the Sunday bulletin you will read about Personal Stewardship. On November 27th you will be asked to offer your financial pledge during the Sunday morning worship. After we have worshipped together and pledged together, we will celebrate together at a Parish luncheon.

We hope you will spend November listening, reading and praying about financial stewardship.

> Will you consider proportional giving; pledging a percentage of your income?

> Will you consider increasing your giving?

> Will you look around you and see the abundance in your life and respond to the question:

What will I give in thanksgiving to God for the ministry and mission of St. Catherine’s Church?

Please consider offering a pledge for your 2017 giving. It allows you to show gratitude for the abundance in your life. It also allows the Parish Council to budget in a responsible, realistic way. A parishioner has kindly donated the cost of postage, should you wish to mail your pledge.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact any one of the Stewardship committee.

We are on the edge of a very exciting Now. Let us begin!

The Reverend Keith Gilbert 604-985-0666 John Luccock 604-985-6570 Monica Macdonald 604-985-4986 Brenda Stenson 604-980-9419

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact any one of the Stewardship committee.

We are on the edge of a very exciting Now. Let us begin!

The Reverend Keith Gilbert

John Luccock

Monica Macdonald 

Brenda Stenson