On Sunday 5 November 2022, Rev. Sharon blessed the baskets that had been prepared by Sally Toft, Linda Parkinson and Alison Watt for the Turning Point Recovery House in Edgemont.
This is an outreach ministry which is shared between St. Catherine's and Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church and was started several years ago by Heather Peacock and Brenda Stenson. These baskets are prepared as a welcome gift for each arriving resident at this residential site - residents who will spend between 3-6 months working to leave behind harmful addictions. It is funded through designated donations by parishioners at both churches.
In July 2022 we delivered 15 baskets to the house and now another 12 are there. Thanks to Sally for delivering the baskets in the snow/slush/rain after the service on Sunday.
If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact the office via email at scadmin@shaw.ca
(message form Alison Watt)