“Now is the moment for which a lifetime of faith
has prepared you. All of those years of prayer and
study, all of the worship services, all of the time
devoted to a community of faith: it all comes down
to this, this sorrowful moment when life seems
chaotic and the anarchy of fear haunts the thin
borders of reason. Your faith has prepared for you
this. It has given you the tools you need to respond:
to proclaim justice while standing for peace. Long
ago the Spirit called you to commit your life to
faith. Now you know why. You are a source of
strength for those who have lost hope. You are a
voice of calm in the midst of chaos. You are a steady
light in days of darkness.
The time has come to be what you believe.”
Steven Charleston
Sermon Resources:
- Book: Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility, edited by Rebecca Solnit et al
- Podcast: A Matter of Degrees – Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson: Climate Solutions
Service Art:
Image 1: Photo by Shaunti Bains
Image 2: Alexej von, Jawlensky, 1864-1941 - Vanderbilt